Tenants are allowed to erect a shed or a polytunnel on their plots, subject to the following conditions, which have been laid down by Harpenden Town Council. Tenants must request an application form from Lettings giving full details of the proposed location and size and receive permission from Lettings before erecting a shed or polytunnel.
The specifications shown below are a guideline. Please obtain the latest details from Lettings officers.
· Maximum size: 1.2m x 1.8m x 2.3m high / 4ft x 6ft x 7.6ft high.
· All sheds must be of the same apex design (double pitched roof).
· Construction, purpose-built timber.
· Base, it must be mounted on temporary foundations, e.g. paving slabs or timber supports which are laid directly on the soil, no sand is to be used. Permanent foundations are prohibited.
· Only one shed per plot holder which must be sited within the cartilage of the plot, at the rear of the plot, and must not inconvenience any other plot holder.
· The plot holder is entirely responsible for all aspects of security and safety.
· Sheds must be well maintained and kept in good order by the use of a shed wood preservative in black (ideally), dark brown, or dark green so they fade in to the background.
· Sheds can only be used for storage purposes and under no circumstances is anyone to sleep inside a shed.
· All sheds must be removed on termination of the tenancy at the plot holder’s expense.
· No livestock can be kept in any shed.
· No hazardous items or chemicals may be stored in any shed.
· A shed must not be erected so as to cause any nuisance or interference to neighbouring plots (e.g. by overshadowing and water run-off).
· The exact proposed location of the shed and where the door will be must be agreed with your Site Representative and/or the Lettings Officer prior to installation. Doors must open into a plot, not out on to a boundary path.
If you wish to erect a shed, please complete the application form and return to Lettings.